Friday, June 26, 2009

Stir-Fry Surprise

Let me preface with that I normally hate dishes with "Surprise" in the name, but those are usually the name of the two or three main (random) ingredients, followed by the word "Surprise"

Such as:

Tuna Noodle Surprise
Vegetable Kumquat Squash Surprise
or even, Meatloaf Surprise

But I feel like the two syllables plus the mild alliteration, and just general pleasant flow make it acceptable. It was, after all, made from stuff I've wanted to clean out of the fridge before it goes bad. But it's SOOO good. And so fast.

Raw Materials:
-Turkey (or regular) bacon - this is the soul of the dish. Bacon makes every dish better
-Olive or Vegetable Oil
-Sesame Oil
-Assorted Veggies - celery, peppers, carrots, water chestnuts, whatever is in your fridge
-Rice Vinegar
-Soy Sauce
-Fruit juice (would have used wine but didn't have any)
-Garlic Powder
-Sesame Seeds
-Corn Starch

Start making rice. For this run, I used Success Rice, which actually isn't bad at all.

Chop the bacon, veggies, onions, and whatever else you feel like throwing in.

In a frying pan, heat up equal parts olive and sesame oil. Fry up the bacon a little bit, then add the veggies and onions and fry those up too. Add soy sauce, wine or fruit juice, vinegar, garlic powder, and sesame seeds, and reduce for a bit. Add some corn starch to thicken the mix, and toss the mushrooms in. Fry all of this up for a little bit, basically until your rice is done.

Mix and serve.

Stir fry is so easy and SO TASTY.

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