Monday, November 10, 2008

On learned helplessness

So, I've noticed a bit of a trend this year that wasn't applicable before. I seem to be losing my adaptability and become much more frustrated with things with a far greater frequency.

I feel like attempting to do problem sets that I have no clue how to do, even after rereading textbooks several times, is exacerbating my preexisting lockup problem.

However, I find that if I take a break and just listen to music and chill, I can regain a decent bit of focus.

But a lot of times I try to push ahead, regardless of how little progress its making.

I have to work on this.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Boo narrow minded morons! Hooray Obama!

So, amidst the near-universal partying, there are some grumbling GOPs pissing and moaning about how the US is going to take a turn for the worse now that Obama will be President. The most common complaints I get are the following:

-Terrorists will attack again!
-We'll turn into Communism!
-He will enact universal health care and it will suck!

1) So 911 happens under Bush's watch, or because of it, and he decides to enact the world's most intensive security plan this side of Stalinist USSR. No more buildings have been hit with planes, ergo, he saved the US. That's like saying I get sick one winter, and next winter I decide to spin in circles every time I sneeze, and I don't get sick that winter, therefore my little ritual prevented me from getting sick. Or, for you logic savvy people, if P then Q, Q, therefore P. Doesn't quite work that way.

Here's the thing. The rest of the world LOVES Obama. Whatever lax he may bring into the system, it's going to be more than counteracted by the fact that the world no longer sees us as a bunch of self-righteous hicks.

2) No, just no. Take Economics 101 you fucking moron.

3) Okay, I half agree with this one. Universal healthcare would be a major detriment to the quality of healthcare available. But do you realize how much money is in capital health care? Do you know how many lobbyists they have? It won't ever pass. It'll just be rounded out more so that those who don't have health insurance, get it.

So stop bellyaching and watch as the US does FAR better than it did the past 8 years, and in my opinion, will do better than the prior 20.